Welcome to the Kinkstertreff Bonn homepage!
Please note that in order to join you must be of age. If you are younger than 18 you might want to check out the SMJG.
Come and join us whenever you feel like a complete pervert. We meet all throughout the year on a biweekly basis. Please check out our Events page to find the exact dates. Our regular get-togethers are welcoming people with all kinds of kinks. We’re a funny, open-minded and diverse group. The Kinkstertreff Bonn has been meeting for several years. Cooperation with other established munches and institutions in the area is very important to us and we are not afraid of making our concerns public. Our munch is a place to talk about BDSM-related topics, as well as a ton of other subjects. The regular meetings take place in public spaces. Throughout the year we offer various workshops, party events, and group visits to themed events, often in coordination and cooperation with other local munches.
Do you want to contact us? Please use the contact form! We look forward to seeing you!